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Weekly Photo Challenge: Friendship

We have friends everywhere.  Their structure is very complex. There is a group of friends here and there and both of them don’t really have incision. We go with our different persona in front of them. Their purpose and interest maybe different from each other groups but  they are person that always be there when we need them. And of course, we have a bunch of photo to capture our moment and have it last for eternity.

In this post, I attach some photo from my different groups of friends for the weekly photo challenge this week.

This is I and my friends on the Indonesia Tenggelam (sunken Indonesia) pool on our campus. They are my college friends that came from same region: Lampung. Beneath the pool, we can see a map of South East Asia with Indonesia in green tiles.

Indonesia Tenggelam

This is I and my friends when we take a tour to National Monument Indonesia. They are my upperclassmen from my college. I am the person floating in front of the picture.

Try to take “flying photograph” with friends

This is I and my friends when we join a Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja (teen’s science club contest) on another high school in neighbour city. They are my high school friends.

Photo action

This is a rather distorted photo taken at night in front of my high school. They are my upperclassmen.


Shame, I don’t have a picture of friends on my elementary school and my junior high school. Well, I didn’t have a came yet at that time.

See what others think about friendship and their photograph of friendship on dailypost.wordpress.com.

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1 Komentar

  1. These photos show the joy of friendship – and looks like you had a whole lot of fun with friends while taking them 🙂

  2. Ping-balik: Weekly Photo Challenge: Friendship (2) ~ The Friendship Monument | Blog Kemaren Siang

  3. Mas @Albadr, This warm friendship. Ngabuburit sampai pagi. :P. O .. so beautiful friendship. Thank you so much for stopping in my blog. Salam

  4. Clever use of the Friendship photo prompt. I like the jumping photo best, I think. Well done!

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